Sunday, December 03, 2006

Just For One Thing

Wouldn't that be something?

Jack of all trades and a master of none.
Is that my ultimate fate? A master of one thing would never suit my nature. The thought of closing a door on anything I enjoy beyond me. Perhaps I can be a jack of all trades and a master of some. I have a lifetime to acheive some mastery here and there, I might as well try.

Just have to get crackin!

Wonder if that is a drug refference... or it could be talking about corn?

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Another Day

I regret to inform you that I have not been fair to my future self recently. This picture is far from new. And I have been off the game for longer than I would like. Here's some eye candy that is going to be printed off for my school p0rtfolio.

I found some lovely makeup brush sets on While I dislike People Style Watch magazine a great deal, I owe it to them for directing me to sephora.
The upper left one happens to be my favorite. Its a rounded set containing nearly all you could need in a down to buisness pouch. The best part about this design? Unlike all the others... it has room for more. The brushes I already enjoy and the tantalizing posibility of additions. It gives me nooks and crannies still to fill, and keeps them neat. The catch? The $250 price tag. Laura Mercier, makeup designer, loans her name to the final sum.
Laura Mercier Master Brush Set , $250
My second choice follows looks and pricing. The red set, bottom left, has the pretty red lining (later to be marred by powder stains) and the fluffiest looking brushes. All of these glam looks for the small... er price of $42. Its a bitter bargain with no extra room, but for the $200 difference...
The other two were there for decoration... I used that picture as a background on another website.

Have a great day, a beautiful day. >_O

Thursday, November 23, 2006

And She's Off!

The day before Thanksgiving and all through the house not a creature is stirring.... except me. I just did some prep work. Not enough mind you... I'm frightfully behind - but some. To make more sense of this lets go with the menu. (Yes this is a blog, but its also my only written game plan)

I started things off with a soup and a salad in honor of Drew's fancy dinner party. I thought it would be dashingly new to have one. It also gives the turkey time to rest after coming out of the oven. I'm doing squash soup. Well... I was. I already made it. Let me inform you that Turban squash have the most amazingly tough skin. If you want to peel it, or cut it... dont. It doesnt work. The salad's dressing should be fun... I want it to be spicy and strong. And by spicy I dont mean hot exactly. Maybe allspice or nutmeg, something like that, to really give it some depth and winter flavor.

Next, the dinner. The turkey... -_- Always a fiasco. I needed to put more time in the arranging of things. They bought a big one. Its still a wee bit frozen - my fault- but hapily brining. Needs more time! Sigh. Maybe next year I'll remember to start sooner. The interesting part about the turkey, I dont know how to do the honey glaze part. I think I might tinker with that tomarrow... well, I will. I want a spicy honey glaze... like on ham.

Sides... I want so many of them, yet its so impractical and wasteful. How much can/should/will we eat? I really just want variety... The problem is... what if EVERYONE wants some of this kind. Thats 8 people wanting some. The 4 serving batch wont work. When there are 4 sides, and say, 8 full servings of each... thats 32 servings of food. More than we can eat! Its ridiculous and makes me sad. I justify it in that its a holiday of feasting. Its a feast! Please dont think the day we all gourge our selves... Just a day when there's infinite variety at the table.

ANYWAY, sides are pretty classic. The stuffing I'm excited about. And Whit's salad.

Condiments should be very interesting. The second doesnt call for cooking the cranberries. I'm a bit apprehensive. Have faith in Martha, I guess. (Which is strange because Martha isnt my favorite cook...)

Soup : Turban Squash Soup
Salad: Dried Cranberry Spinach Salad with Spiced Basalmic Dressing
Main Dish: Brined Rosemary Honey Glazed Turkey
Side 1: Martha's Cornbread Mushroom Stuffing with Pecans
Side 2: Whitney's Bacon Brocolli Salad with Grapes
Side 2: Mashed Potatoes
Side 3: Sweet Potatoes & Yams
Bread: Grandma's Roll's
Condiment 1: Whitney's Cranberry Sauce (from a recipe in Better Homes and Gardens cookbook)
Condiment 2: Martha's Ginger Orange Jalapeno Cranberry Sauce

Desert 1: Home Grown Pumpkin Pie
Desert 2: Lemon Lush
Desert 3: Coconut Custard In Kabocha Squash

Just for fun : Cook's Illustraited Macaroons

I have requests for the Coconut Custard from my father. And potato salad strangely enough... I might throw in some creme brulee... but probably not. Save that for friday or some such.

I love food. So very much. I love grocery shopping. I love buying food that even I cant name. Trying things I know I dont like, just in case I might like it this time... I love checking for ingredients I've heard of but never seen, and the thrill when they finally stock it. Its an art form. A state of mind. A class, a disipline, a niche. And its me.

I bought some McCormik Cardamon today. Buy one get one free.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Small. A world of cushions, blankets and coffee tables. The walls are near, deep yet delicate red. Adorning them are high dark wooden shelves. Shelves filled with gorgeous small knickknacks of a old and golden description. Glory saved throughout the years. Faded and tarnished with age, but still shining brightly through. The untouched floor matches the shelves and is comfortably blanketed by a large rug. Behind the towering plush cushions of the deliciously warm couch there is a window. It opens as though it were a painting. It brings in the scene perfectly fitted into black lined window frames. A snowy scene. Inverted light and dark. The ground is glowing with its generous layer of untouched snow. The sky steps back its position of light bearer and is content to accentuate. Ink black streaks make their way to the sky. Leafless trees streak the white as though painted. A balmy gentle cold, held at bay by the small window. The ever dancing and crackling fire plays out its violent drama safely contained with an ancient fire screen. Stockings warmly dangle above. Empty but for the promises they hold and the excitement they freely give. A latticed wood coffee table. Atop it, a cutting board. Shards of chocolate lay already chiseled from the block and waiting for indulgence. To the side a beautifully made box of spiced chocolate truffles. Discarded also there is a plate, a dark cream color. The remnants of the perfect thick and wholesome stew, in a bread bowl. And then, upon the couch, nestled in blankets... I survey the scene. I take a deep swallow of my rich and smooth hot chocolate. Whipped cream folded with caramel on top. Warm, smooth and not too sweet. I draw it from my lips and turn back to my ornately leather bound tome of classic fairy tales and folklore of the world. My perfect Almost Christmas Day Evening.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Cornbread and Risotto

Saffron, truffles, pesto, olives, parmigiano-reggiano, mustard, garlic, rice balls, fish sauce, lavender, cardamon pods, curry, chocolate, vanilla, carob, authentic, nuevo, moon cakes, pecans ... My eyes scan down the list, relishing favorites, wilting at loves that would never be and searching for some new and marvelous discovery. These things that traipse even in my dreams. Mysteries beyond my reach. Seeking flavors and textures I only can imagine, and what rises even above this height? Not even the glorious tools. The masters techniques. The ultimate wonder. No better example than pulled noodles, thin enough to fit three strands through the eye of a needle. Mousse whipped by hand. The perfect croisaunt. Pastry. Pie. Chocolate creation. The froth of hand made hot chocolate from mexico... some snippet of a travel show lodged in my brain. Roast and grind... nuts cinnamon vanilla chocolate cream... whirling molinillo... a beverage. Could even this mentally exaggerated perfection be better? Better than what is best. All the flavors... or simply one. A riot of texture to a single goal. Perfection.

My love affair with food.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


I feel beautifully eccentric today. The ditsy mood of the week hasnt passed however. I had to do some trixy driving in a deserted street to park so I could leap from the vehicle and capture a picture. The light was sending a cascade of sparkles to splash over these three beautifully changing trees. As I was standing on the sidewalk trying to get them all in the frame, the homes owner walked out carrying a riffle under his arm. Well, several. He was carying them to his car. After blinking at me rather blankly he said hello. I returned his greeting and carried on about my busines. If I were a talkative person, or if I had been feeling less harrased about my photography I may have said what I was doing. Or just said these tree's are beautiful in this light, or some such phrase. As it was...

I also recycled paper today. I drove past the place so thought, why not stop today? I've had a bag in the back of my car since before it was my car. Its hand me down recycling. I was going to add more to it the other day, but someone threw it away before I took it.
I have to start working on my skirt tomarrow! You will be amazed at my handy crafts when I'm done, let me just tell you. It is hoping to be black, purple, sparkly and lacy. And if all goes well it will resemble a skirt. Im making up the pattern however so all bets of perfection are off. Pattern's never look very well in my eyes. Lets hope winging it will.
Sewing projects:
Purple/Black Punk Skirt
Christmas PJ Pants for family
Purple Plaid Flannel Rag Quilt for someone(shhh! dont tell!)

Monday, October 09, 2006

Half Penny Doesn't Cut It


I believe I may have successfully completed a roll of film. The jury is still out. They would like some evidence of success before celebrating. So far the condeming facts are that one, it made funny noises, and two: the counter is only at 20 but the quick cock wont cock... Which means theres no more film. There should be 24 exposures.

Well, it worked better than last time.

I went to fencing tonight. And it wasnt even barb wire! There's not a whole lot to say. Its a demanding and intellectual sort of sport. Full of finess and vocablulary, uncomfortable positions and massive leg strength. I enjoy the classic style. I think it is one of those things best to learn first.

Like photography. You appreciate it more when you know how hard it can be. When your spending your own money of film your real picky about what shot you get. You know your really supposed to have your hand up in a limp wristed monkey stance to help balance.

Some things you wouldn't ever notice if you didnt take the slow baby steps first.

AFTER: You've never seen more heavenly squash.... I cooked the heck right out of it...

The Goose Is Getting Fat

I have defrosted some pumpkin. I whipped together a pie, and now im going to make some Molasses Pumpkin Ginger Cookies. The gingery molasses part I'm making up. I'm going to add some and hope it works out. Gotta go fix my pie for a minute. It has an old premade crust, but better a pie than pumpkin tossed.

So here's my final recipe...

Gingery Pumpkin Molasses Cookies

  • ½ C all-purpose flour
  • 1 C whole wheat
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • ½ tsp ground nutmeg
  • ½ tsp ground cloves
  • ¼ tsp ground ginger
  • ¼ tsp ground cardamon
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ C butter, softened
  • 1 C sugar
  • ½ C brown sugar (who can leave out brown sugar?!)
  • 1 C cooked pumpkin puree (can or home made)
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ C molasses
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350° F (175° C).

Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, ground cloves, ginger, and salt; set aside.

In a medium bowl, cream together the butter and sugar. Add pumpkin, egg, molasses, and vanilla to butter mixture, and beat until creamy.

Mix in dry ingredients. Drop on cookie sheet by tablespoonfuls.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes in the preheated oven. Cool cookies on rack.
Makes about 3 dozen

I suggest making them small. They turn out very cake like. I should have expected it. Chewy with crispy chewy edges, but its the cake sort of chewey. They tast pretty good, and even better when I added walnuts. My verdict, probably wont make again. I like using the pumpkin and the wheat flour, but I was looking for something with a ginger snap sort of chewy texture. I'm pleased though.

And it turns out I'm an idiot. Why my camera wasnt turning anymore was because I had it cocked. I took a pic of my lense cap. Another lesson learned at the expense of film.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

All Of The Night

A sure way to learn something is to fail at it terribly. I went out photographing today, with my new camera. The film wasnt loaded correctly. Every picture I took wasnt really taken. Its a dissapointment. But today wasnt bust. I lost my pretties, but I know how to use my camera better. I am a bit more selective with my choice of picture. This exploit is shaping up to be expensive.

I want to dabble in interior design. Really, I just want to create a haven of my own. I want my room to be exactly how I wish it to be. I want saturated colors in apealing combo's. Neutral shades are wonderful and versitile... but it would be fun to do something drastic. I want something green and purple maybe. Brown and purple is pretty too though. And blue is a good color. Do I want it to be warm or cool? Will I match the furnature or make it contrast? What room should I take over? The basement is a bigger more versitile room. Its also in a basment. Add +10 creepyness factor, and about +20 for increased bug habitation. The other thing is that I'm a seni0r. Its a bit late to be designing my room. How long will I stay in it?
What will I be doing next year? I'm full of questions. Who has the answers? I have to make them up I guess. I have no qualms about ignoring the stigma of living with ones parents. Really its the guys who have the full brunt of the disdain. I think its economical. It has its limitations in socialization. You still have to deal with family matters. But you can get your mother to make you breakfast. You have someone to tell your day to who might actually care. Relatively worry free. Dont worry, I've already informed my parents of the possibility of them never being free of me.
Even if I do live at home forever I'll have my growth experience. If I'm going abroad for months at a time it should make up for living at home. -.o

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Audio Classics

The season of autumn has always seemed... incomprehensibly fast. As though if I fail to enjoy it today I will miss it for the year. I steal every glance that I can at the changing tree's and the small rain clouds skulking across the sky. It doesnt feel like fall is long enough for all the holidays that fall under it. Can it last till Thanksgiving? I suppose it would be due to the cold weather hear that triggers it early. I fear my camera will not arive to catch the color.
I am currently reading the Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Not entirely by choice, but at the demands of curriculum as always. I could never get myself to without a pinch of force. It is not bad though, force aside. I have found an audio collection of classics including the afore mentioned Scarlet Letter. A robot is reading it. I accept that.

This time next year I hope to be somewhere in Europe. It is a time that would seem almost convenient and yet... it would not at all be. I would hate to miss Christmas with my family, even for Europe. What would be preferable is to depart after Christmas. It would give me a semester at college to warm up, so as to be ready for living abroad. The limitation of this would only be the fundage.
At any rate, by January next year, I hope to be in Europe.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Creative Sweet

The tree's are changing. There's some tree's down the street that look amazing. They dont change into one color. Each leave dabbles in one color then the next. The texture of the wide eliptical leaves creates an overlay looking almost as though a painter had created them. Pink to purple, green to yelow to orange and red. The black of the branches veining the mass of color. My words do them as much injustice as the picture.
I got some odd looks taking pictures of peoples shrubberies today.
While I was traipsing about town looking for photo ops, there was a little girl swinging on a modified tires wing, and she waved at me. Made my day.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Nike Said It Best

Just do it.

Things are never done if you never start them. And, as always, here's no time like the present, for, you see, things are always done in the present. Everything you have ever done, has been done in a present. Now they are past. To make them past you must have them be created in the present. Futures are vague, infinite, and fleeting. Pluck the ideas you want from it, fill up your present, and make one heck of a past. If you want to do something, and have thought through it, and have been meaning too.... Just do it.

(Subway stairs New York)
I went to New York June of last year. I did so because at the begining of the school year when it was proposed, my mother suggested we do it. Somehow we did find the money... it was there. And I made the payments and I got on the plane, had one heck of a time (even though I was horribly sick), and basicly, Just did it.

Its hard to keep up. Just doing things. There's being tired, or ill, or having things come up... But eventually if you keep thinking about it... You might find the motivation again...

But mainly, if you want to do it in your lifetime, do it now. Start it now. Just because you think you cant... You'll never know untill your doing it.

So... Just do it, or you never will.